MRF Notes || 12/8/23

I had a great conversation with some friends and colleagues earlier about the role MRF files might play into the practice of healthcare policy from numerous standpoints. We also explored the challenges native to these efforts. We also investigated the work of researchers in this space.

I think there is a good opportunity to contribute to understanding dynamics of American healthcare by connecting insights from Payer MRF, Hospital MRF, and real claims data.

Some challenges include differing naming conventions, MRF file structures, and varying forms of reimbursement (e.g. percentage, fee schedule, negotiated, etc.)

The objective of this blogpost is to share some prior efforts and research I conducted when exploring examples of the MRF files the Transparency in Coverage (TiC) rules resulted in.

But, why do we care?

Per our conversation, there are many fronts where these efforts are useful. From public policy to personal inquiry; From research that could lead to system improvement and therefore social value to development of novel datasets and strategies that could add value to customers and create commercial value; There is also potential for direct commercial benefit for plan sponsors of self-insured health plans, insurers, and other risk bearing entities to make better decisions around risk and procurement based on better data. This was a recent slide from a Valhalla Business Advisors meeting.

Hospital Files

As a starting point to review, I pulled the MRF from Hershey at this website: Note that the hospital also provides a link to CMS FAQ on these file formats:

Here is my initial exploratory Python code:

import pandas as pd
file_path = '/Users/jensthorsen/Workspace/Notebooks/transparency blogpost dec 23/251854772_the-milton-s-hershey-medical-center_standardcharges.csv'

# Attempting to read the CSV file with a different encoding (ISO-8859-1)
    data = pd.read_csv(file_path, encoding='ISO-8859-1')
    file_info = {
        "size": data.memory_usage(deep=True).sum(),  # size in bytes
        "shape": data.shape,  # rows and columns
        "columns": data.columns.tolist(),  # column names
        "first_few_rows": data.head()  # first few rows for a preview
except Exception as e:
    file_info = str(e)


Here is the initial data return:

{'size': 267915425,
 'shape': (103012, 49),
 'columns': ['Line Type',
  'CDM Tech',
  'CDM Tech - Description',
  'CPT / HCPC',
  'Revenue Code',
  'Gross Charge',
  'Self Pay Cash Price',
  'Min Negotiated Rate',
  'Max Negotiated Rate',
  'Aetna Better Health MA CHIP',
  'Aetna Comm',
  'Aetna Medicare',
  'Aetna Signature Administrators',
  'AmeriHealth MA',
  'AmeriHealth MC Adv',
  'CBC Comm',
  'CBC Medicare',
  'Cigna Comm',
  'Cigna Medicare',
  'Geisinger Comm',
  'Geisinger MA',
  'Geisinger Medicare',
  'Health Partners Plans MA',
  'Health Partners Plans MA CHIP',
  'Health Partners Plans Medicare',
  'Highmark ACA',
  'Highmark CHIP',
  'Highmark Choice Blue',
  'Highmark Comm',
  'Highmark Medicare',
  'Highmark Wholecare MA',
  'Highmark Wholecare Medicare',
  'Humana Medicare',
  'PA Health & Wellness MA',
  'PA Health & Wellness Medicare',
  'Preferred Healthcare Lanc',
  'Preferred Healthcare Systems',
  'UHC Comm',
  'UHC Medicare',
  'UHC Medicare I-SNP / D-SNP',
  'UPMC Comm',
  'UPMC MA',
  'UPMC Medicare'],
 'first_few_rows':   Line Type CDM Tech             CDM Tech - Description  DRG CPT / HCPC  NDC  \
 0       NaN  4407175         FNA BX W/O IMG GDN EA ADDL  NaN      10004  NaN   
 1       NaN  3514915  FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION(W/IMAGING)  NaN      10005  NaN   
 2       NaN  3514918  FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION(W/IMAGING)  NaN      10005  NaN   
 3       NaN  4407176         FNA BX W/US GDN 1ST LESION  NaN      10005  NaN   
 4       NaN  4805500               US FNA Thyroid Gland  NaN      10005  NaN   
    Revenue Code Gross Charge Self Pay Cash Price Min Negotiated Rate  ...  \
 0         761.0           56               19.49                   0  ...   
 1         761.0     3,654.00            1,271.96              553.71  ...   
 2         761.0     3,654.00            1,271.96              553.71  ...   
 3         761.0     3,654.00            1,271.96              553.71  ...   
 4         761.0     3,654.00            1,271.96              553.71  ...   
   Preferred Healthcare Lanc Preferred Healthcare Systems  UHC Comm  \
 0                        42                           42     42.78   
 1                  2,740.50                     2,740.50  2,791.66   
 2                  2,740.50                     2,740.50  2,791.66   
 3                  2,740.50                     2,740.50  2,791.66   
 4                  2,740.50                     2,740.50  2,791.66   
   UHC MA CHIP UHC Medicare UHC Medicare I-SNP / D-SNP UPMC Comm   UPMC MA  \
 0        22.4            0                          0     42.04     21.11   
 1    1,461.60       651.42                     664.45  2,743.06  1,377.19   
 2    1,461.60       651.42                     664.45  2,743.06  1,377.19   
 3    1,461.60       651.42                     664.45  2,743.06  1,377.19   
 4    1,461.60       651.42                     664.45  2,743.06  1,377.19   
   UPMC MA CHIP UPMC Medicare  
 0        24.84             0  
 1     1,620.55        651.42  
 2     1,620.55        651.42  
 3     1,620.55        651.42  
 4     1,620.55        651.42  
 [5 rows x 49 columns]}

Also, here is the return to

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 103012 entries, 0 to 103011
Data columns (total 49 columns):
 #   Column                          Non-Null Count   Dtype  
---  ------                          --------------   -----  
 0   Line Type                       2084 non-null    object 
 1   CDM Tech                        100926 non-null  object 
 2   CDM Tech - Description          103007 non-null  object 
 3   DRG                             2081 non-null    float64
 4   CPT / HCPC                      56652 non-null   object 
 5   NDC                             12424 non-null   object 
 6   Revenue Code                    67595 non-null   float64
 7   Gross Charge                    100926 non-null  object 
 8   Self Pay Cash Price             103007 non-null  object 
 9   Min Negotiated Rate             102961 non-null  object 
 10  Max Negotiated Rate             102961 non-null  object 
 11  Aetna Better Health MA CHIP     102171 non-null  object 
 12  Aetna Comm                      101620 non-null  object 
 13  Aetna Medicare                  55160 non-null   object 
 14  Aetna Signature Administrators  101620 non-null  object 
 15  AmeriHealth MA                  55711 non-null   object 
 16  AmeriHealth MC Adv              55160 non-null   object 
 17  CBC CHIP                        101645 non-null  object 
 18  CBC Comm                        101645 non-null  object 
 19  CBC Medicare                    101620 non-null  object 
 20  Cigna Comm                      101620 non-null  object 
 21  Cigna Medicare                  55160 non-null   object 
 22  Geisinger Comm                  101620 non-null  object 
 23  Geisinger MA                    55711 non-null   object 
 24  Geisinger Medicare              55160 non-null   object 
 25  Health Partners Plans MA        55711 non-null   object 
 26  Health Partners Plans MA CHIP   55711 non-null   object 
 27  Health Partners Plans Medicare  55160 non-null   object 
 28  Highmark ACA                    63824 non-null   object 
 29  Highmark CHIP                   55185 non-null   object 
 30  Highmark Choice Blue            63824 non-null   object 
 31  Highmark Comm                   63824 non-null   object 
 32  Highmark Medicare               55160 non-null   object 
 33  Highmark Wholecare MA           55711 non-null   object 
 34  Highmark Wholecare Medicare     55160 non-null   object 
 35  Humana Medicare                 55160 non-null   object 
 36  Multiplan                       101620 non-null  object 
 37  PA Health & Wellness MA         55711 non-null   object 
 38  PA Health & Wellness Medicare   55160 non-null   object 
 39  Preferred Healthcare Lanc       101620 non-null  object 
 40  Preferred Healthcare Systems    101620 non-null  object 
 41  UHC Comm                        101620 non-null  object 
 42  UHC MA CHIP                     102171 non-null  object 
 43  UHC Medicare                    55160 non-null   object 
 44  UHC Medicare I-SNP / D-SNP      55160 non-null   object 
 45  UPMC Comm                       101620 non-null  object 
 46  UPMC MA                         102171 non-null  object 
 47  UPMC MA CHIP                    102171 non-null  object 
 48  UPMC Medicare                   55160 non-null   object 
dtypes: float64(2), object(47)
memory usage: 38.5+ MB

Ok, so there is some interesting stuff here. There is no value for CPT codes 99213 and 99214, but there are values for 99211 per this code:

# Set the option to display all columns
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)

# Filter rows and select first 25 columns
filtered_data = data[data['CPT / HCPC'] == '99211'].iloc[:, 0:25]

# Convert the DataFrame to HTML and set index=False to not display the index
html = filtered_data.to_html(index=False)

# Display the HTML in Jupyter Notebook
from IPython.display import display, HTML

When trying to identify the relative allowances for highest cost services, the top costs are dominated by varying doses of high cost therapies (e.g. Zolgensma, CAR T-Cell Therapy, and SYNCARDIA). With a little effort, here is a listing of some comparative allowances for high cost services:

# Creating filters for each specified term to ensure only one entry per term
car_t_cell_therapy_filter = data['CDM Tech - Description'].str.contains("CAR T-Cell Therapy", case=False, na=False)
heartmate_filter = data['CDM Tech - Description'].str.contains("HEARTMATE", case=False, na=False)
syncardia_filter = data['CDM Tech - Description'].str.contains("SYNCARDIA", case=False, na=False)
zolgensma_filter = data['CDM Tech - Description'].str.contains("Zolgensma", case=False, na=False)
mcs_evaheart_implant_filter = data['CDM Tech - Description'].str.contains("MCS Evaheart Implant", case=False, na=False)

# Getting one entry for each term
one_car_t_cell_therapy = data[car_t_cell_therapy_filter].head(1)
one_heartmate = data[heartmate_filter].head(1)
one_syncardia = data[syncardia_filter].head(1)
one_zolgensma = data[zolgensma_filter].head(1)
one_mcs_evaheart_implant = data[mcs_evaheart_implant_filter].head(1)

# Combining these entries
combined_specific_entries = pd.concat([one_car_t_cell_therapy, one_heartmate, one_syncardia, one_zolgensma, one_mcs_evaheart_implant])

# Creating a filter to exclude these specific entries from the rest of the data
exclude_specific_terms_filter = ~(car_t_cell_therapy_filter | heartmate_filter | syncardia_filter | zolgensma_filter | mcs_evaheart_implant_filter)

# Getting the next five highest charges that do not have these duplicate terms
next_five_unique_entries = data[exclude_specific_terms_filter].sort_values(by='Gross Charge', ascending=False).head(5)

# Combining the specific entries with the unique entries
final_combined_entries = pd.concat([combined_specific_entries, next_five_unique_entries])

# Reordering columns
final_combined_entries_info = final_combined_entries[reordered_columns]


Payer MRF

Payer MRF seem to be more challenging. Let’s start with Highmark. Here is the website they have posted for these files at

If you click through on a state, e.g. Highmark Blue Shield Pennsylvania, you download a JSON file, which is to say, a data structure which stands for Javascript Object Notation; In parlance, it is a string representation of a dictionary, which holds data in key-value pairs. On the one hand, this initial JSON file looks like this:

However, underneath this otherwise unintelligible word-salad are three keys:

  • reporting_entity_name
  • reporting_entity_type
  • reporting_structure

Under these is more detail. For the first two keys, you can see this example:

{"reporting_entity_name":"Highmark Blue Shield Pennsylvania","reporting_entity_type":"Health Insurance Issuer","reporting_structure":

It is in the reporting_struture key things get interesting. It becomes a list of dictionaries. Here is one example of the start to item 1 in such a list, of which there are 28 in this particular file:

You can notice that, within this list, there are then a series of additional dictionaries. The structure to these includes, per highmark_data[‘reporting_structure’][0].keys():

So down the rabbit hole we go. This file is rather large. It extracts to a new JSON file that is 1.13 GB in size (keep in mind that there were 312 just in the prior tab, which was just one region for Highmark!)

So, here is some initial insight into the structure:

Note that these nested and enormous dictionaries, over months, insurers, and plans, is what caused our firm to create this slide for a recent roundtable. Our friend Brendan also helped us sort through this for a few purposes with his firm using Parquet files and a Clickhouse database tool (note SQL query in the file for an example of how these can work.)

i am curious why do an analyse structure routine when the schema is laid out at eg. ?

deityrush from discord server on 8/3/23

Here is some code to investigate the structure of these keys:

# Sample code to explore the top-level keys

# Print basic information
print("Reporting Entity Name:", in_network_rates_data['reporting_entity_name'])
print("Reporting Entity Type:", in_network_rates_data['reporting_entity_type'])
print("Last Updated On:", in_network_rates_data['last_updated_on'])
print("Version:", in_network_rates_data['version'])

# Explore 'provider_references'
print("\nProvider References Structure:")
if 'provider_references' in in_network_rates_data:
    provider_refs = in_network_rates_data['provider_references']
    print("Type:", type(provider_refs))
    print("First few entries:", provider_refs[:5])  # Assuming it's a list

# Explore 'in_network'
print("\nIn Network Structure:")
if 'in_network' in in_network_rates_data:
    in_network = in_network_rates_data['in_network']
    print("Type:", type(in_network))
    print("First few entries:", in_network[:5])  # Assuming it's a list

And here is some info:

And, finally:

So, perhaps these are enough notes for tonight. I will see you soon! There is alot of opportunity to work on this and create some insights and value!

I returned to look at this…

So, my kids are in piano lessons at the Music Academy in State College. I thought I would explore this a bit further. In the prior file, the reporting entity (from the Highmark website, mind you) was Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield. I tried pulling the next file and, again, it is Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

I wonder if, as the prior files were “linked” – i.e. 1 of 2 and 2 of 2 – if the next file will be a different entity. This one is 10.3 GB in size and 1 of 4.

While I continue to wait for this file to download, I should share some insights about the community working with this. A few folks have stood out as being particularly helpful to me, personally: Brian Cotter has built a community on Linked In and a Discord server, and Brendan Younger has supported my efforts to understand this by sharing insights into data structure and tools, such as Parquet and Clickhouse, to cope with the massive size of these files. Valhalla also contracted with him for certain bespoke datasets. Brendan’s firm, Tynbil, is worth looking at for insights into what the data can eventually “look like” after a strong ETL process, and he has good thoughts about why it all matters.

Here is the link to the Discord server:

Ok, the file has loaded. Now we need to wait for the JSON object to get read in into memory… But then this…

One of the challenges as a self-taught tinkerer with computer programming, based upon a foundation of Harvard’s CS50 and various projects, Youtube videos, and Python/SQL/C for Dummies, is coping with certain issues of sophistication (e.g. very large files and complicated SQL queries) by using more more “advanced” techniques (e.g. streaming / “reading chunks into memory”) can feel a bit like wandering in the dark. Fortunately, the emergence of ChatGPT and friends like Brian and Brendan have helped me to cope and get some workable files. ChatGPT suggested the following alternative approach and this worked:

Darn. Again, not Highmark. Let’s come up with a loop to go across all these files to find an example of a file which has Highmark in the name of the reporting entity. Here is the code:

import ijson
import requests
import os
import gzip

for file_info in highmark_data['reporting_structure'][0]['in_network_files']:
    file_url = file_info['location']

    # Download file to a temporary location
    response = requests.get(file_url)
    temp_file_path = "temp_file.json.gz"  # Change the extension to .gz
    with open(temp_file_path, 'wb') as temp_file:

    # Check if the file is compressed and decompress if necessary
    if temp_file_path.endswith('.gz'):
        with, 'rb') as compressed_file, open("temp_file.json", 'wb') as decompressed_file:

        os.remove(temp_file_path)  # Remove the compressed file after decompression
        temp_file_path = "temp_file.json"  # Update the file path to the decompressed file

    # Process the file in a streaming manner
    found_highmark = False
    with open(temp_file_path, 'rb') as file:
        parser = ijson.parse(file)
        for prefix, event, value in parser:
            if (prefix, event) == ('reporting_entity_name', 'string'):
                if "Highmark" in value:
                    found_highmark = True

    # Check for Highmark and delete file if not found
    if found_highmark:
        print(f"Success: 'Highmark' found in the file {file_url}")
        print(f"File URL: {file_url}")
        print(f"Reporting Entity Name: {value}")

# Clean up: delete the temp file if it still exists
if os.path.exists(temp_file_path):

The code is good – I will rerun this on a computer at my house later this afternoon so it can work while we are taking the kids to an Irish Step Dance performance in Bellefonte.

Photo from last weekend…

P.S. Getting closer… This returned -> Reporting Entity Name: Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware

Back from Irish Step Dance

Ok, so I have found the Highmark Blue Shield records — there are 35 — and they begin at index location 95. Here is some code to evaluate the structure and sample data from the first of these JSON files:

import json

# Path to the JSON file
file_path = '/Users/jensthorsen/Workspace/Notebooks/transparency blogpost dec 23/2023-12_378_49K0_in-network-rates_03_of_35.json'

# Load and analyze the JSON file
    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        data = json.load(file)

        # Print the top-level keys
        print("Top-level keys in the JSON file:")
        for key in data.keys():

        # Optionally, print some sample data for each key
        print("\nSample data for each top-level key:")
        for key, value in data.items():
            # Print a sample of the data (e.g., the first few items if it's a list or the value itself)
            if isinstance(value, list):
                print(f"{key}: {value[:3]}")  # Print the first three items of the list
                print(f"{key}: {value}")

except Exception as e:
    print(f"An error occurred while reading the file: {e}")

Ok, so it is clear that the action is in the in_network key.

How do we find the Hershey providers in the payer file?

This code is very imperfect, and it probably fails to get all the Hershey relationships; I found examples of providers with NPI who work at Hershey who seem to show up in Highmark’s file under their own NPI; I believe there are efforts to associate all these NPI value by relationship but that is beyond the scope of this weekend.

Here is some code that leads to a nice list of dictionaries with Hershey’s NPI – 1568435477.

def cycle_through_highmark_files(iterations):
    return_list = []
    iterations = iterations
    ct = 1
    while ct < iterations:
        import ijson
        import requests
        import os
        import gzip
        from tqdm import tqdm
        import json

        # Path to the JSON file
        file_path = '/Users/jensthorsen/Workspace/Notebooks/transparency blogpost dec 23/2023-12-01_Highmark_Blue_Shield_of_Pennsylvania_index.json'

        # Reading the JSON file
        with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
            highmark_data = json.load(file)

        # Start index - change this to the index where you want to start (0-based)
        start_index = 95

        for index, file_info in enumerate(highmark_data['reporting_structure'][0]['in_network_files'][start_index:start_index+iterations], start=start_index):
                file_url = file_info['location']

                print(f"Downloading file {index+1}/{len(highmark_data['reporting_structure'][0]['in_network_files'])}: {file_url}")

                # Download file with progress bar
                response = requests.get(file_url, stream=True)
                total_size_in_bytes = int(response.headers.get('content-length', 0))
                block_size = 1024  # 1 Kibibyte
                progress_bar = tqdm(total=total_size_in_bytes, unit='iB', unit_scale=True)
                temp_file_path = f"temp_file_{index}.json.gz"

                with open(temp_file_path, 'wb') as temp_file:
                    for data in response.iter_content(block_size):

                # Decompress if necessary
                if temp_file_path.endswith('.gz'):
                    with, 'rb') as compressed_file:
                        with open("temp_file.json", 'wb') as decompressed_file:
                    temp_file_path = "temp_file.json"

                # Process the file
                found_highmark = False
                with open(temp_file_path, 'rb') as file:
                    parser = ijson.parse(file)
                    for prefix, event, value in parser:
                        if (prefix, event) == ('reporting_entity_name', 'string'):
                            if "Highmark" in value:
                                found_highmark = True

                # Handle results
#                 if found_highmark:
#                     print(f"Success: 'Highmark' found in {file_url}")
#                     break
#                 else:
#                     print(f"File URL: {file_url}")
#                     print(f"Reporting Entity Name: {value}")
#                     os.remove(temp_file_path)

            except Exception as e:
                print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

            # Path to the JSON file
            file_path = '/Users/jensthorsen/Workspace/Notebooks/transparency blogpost dec 23/temp_file.json'

            # Load and analyze the JSON file
                with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
                    data = json.load(file)

#                     # Print the top-level keys
#                     print("Top-level keys in the JSON file:")
#                     for key in data.keys():
#                         print(key)

#                     # Optionally, print some sample data for each key
#                     print("\nSample data for each top-level key:")
#                     for key, value in data.items():
#                         # Print a sample of the data (e.g., the first few items if it's a list or the value itself)
#                         if isinstance(value, list):
#                             print(f"{key}: {value[:3]}")  # Print the first three items of the list
#                         else:
#                             print(f"{key}: {value}")

            except Exception as e:
                print(f"An error occurred while reading the file: {e}")

#             hershey_npi = 1477790871
#             hershey_npi = 1568435477
#             hershey_npi = 1235525676
            hershey_npi = 1568435477
            print("Looking for Hershey")

            # Assuming 'data' is your loaded JSON data
            in_network_data = data['in_network']
            print(f"Data Length:  {len(in_network_data)}")

            #look for Hershey
            counter = 1
            alt_count = 1
            while counter < len(in_network_data):
                if hershey_npi in in_network_data[counter]['negotiated_rates'][0]['provider_groups'][0]['npi']:
#                     print(in_network_data[counter])
                    counter += 1
                    alt_count += 1
                    counter += 1
            #         print(f"{counter-1} Not in")
            # Clean up temp files
            if os.path.exists(temp_file_path):

            import json

            print(f"finishing loop - {ct}")
            ct += 1
        return return_list

This returns 710 entries with these keys: dict_keys([‘negotiation_arrangement’, ‘name’, ‘billing_code_type’, ‘billing_code_type_version’, ‘billing_code’, ‘description’, ‘negotiated_rates’])

So this begs the question, how does this 12032 CPT code with an NPI code of 1568435477 in this file, $1,016.97, compare to the hospital file? Let’s take a look.

data.loc[data["CPT / HCPC"]=='12032', ["CDM Tech","CPT / HCPC","Gross Charge","Self Pay Cash Price","Highmark Comm","Highmark Medicare","Highmark CHIP", "Highmark ACA", "CBC Comm"]]

Of course they don’t tie out!

I think this exercise gives a good initial background to the sources of data, reasons for investing into efforts to parse and draw meaningful insights from these data, and hurdles that present themselves as we approach this project. Take a look and let me know what you think!